Saturday, January 9, 2010

Photo365 - a chilling night


17°F + Sprinklers = Impromptu photoshoot at 1:30am.

I saw this in passing as I was driving home and took the time to bust a U-ie and play in the frozen parking lot. There was so much more to shoot, but so many reasons to move on. I am just thankful that one of my many rushed photos was this awesome.

Over and out,
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Friday, January 8, 2010



Midnight update, whaaaat?! I was too excited not to...

Sour Apple Dish Soap, Shaken, not stirred.

Canon Elph SD1000 does delicious macros.

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Thursday, January 7, 2010



Before noon, even.

So, as much as I love my Sony DSC-P8, it is cantankerous and frustrating. Its Zeiss lens is magical if you know how to get the genie out of the bottle, but it requires a bit of coaxing. I'm borrowing my cousin's Canon Powershot Elph SD1000 and decided I need to learn the camera. I spent this morning fiddling with the manual settings and really love the camera's responsiveness, though I'm not sure what I think about the feel of the photos yet.

My heart is a bit lop-sided.
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Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Photo365 Update


I can't take credit for the artwork, but soon it will be painted over by a coat of white nothingness and I thought the world should see the beauty of Caleta X. Adams' genius. I really like the colors she picked, and how conceptual they are. My one comment is that the blue and the pink should be swapped and then it would be perfect. She says the colors were an accident, so I think her subconscious was paying attention.

I pretty much slacked on this one. It is cold out. We'll see what tomorrow brings.

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Photo365 Update



I was particularly busy, though that should not be a reason to stop shooting. I'm going to start packing a respectable digicam as these iPhone shots are not doing it for me. I'll admit, these are kinda weak, but I am keeping up with my project! I may not post them on-the-daily, but I am shooting.

Stay trigger-happy,
Rick 'n Roll
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Sunday, January 3, 2010

Photo365, a new beginning

Welcome to 2010




So, I am going to start a project much like my "Design a Day" endeavour that I did not keep up with. This year, I am going to start "A Photo a Day, 365 a Year" to keep active as a photographer, to force myself to keep the creative mojo movin', and to brighten each day by doing something positive and entertaining. I am kind of cheating on this first post, being as it is the 3rd already, but I actually did shoot on the first and second; however, those shots were on film (GASP!) and I can't really post those being as they require development, time, etc. So, I am filling the first two days with unpublished works. I did take the photo for today, today, so we're off to a good start.

My downstairs neighbor gave me a Canon AE-1 that I have been slowly using. Film is a precious thing to me. It is material, costly, and un-do-able, so I am really making the most of each and every exposure. I've never shot on an SLR before... having complete manual control over all aspects of taking a photo takes much more time and thought than adjusting the EV, Metering Mode, and the other simple settings of my DSC-P8 that I have mastered in the six-and-a-half, yes, 6 1/2 years, I've been using it. I've taken over 17,000 photos with it and I adore the results of the Carl Zeiss lens it when it works (its a bit on the fritz).

Today's photo was really fun. I shot through the viewfinder of the Canon AE-1 using my DSC-P8 to capture this image. +2.0 EV @ 100 ISO. No post-work, all in-camera.

Watchout, you're going to get 362 more of these... Doin' it on the daily...

Stay snappy!
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