Saturday, April 24, 2010

High Res Crazy Hats! CRAAAZY!!

(click for full juicyness)

So, this is the first time I've really illustrated a series of objects with a theme. I think I'm getting a pretty consistent look and each one is better than the last. The first few were the Cowboy hat, Hardhat, Pirate, Indian Headdress and Santa which are good, but later on the Cone, Viking, Irish, Tophat, and Pimp hats I think I really nailed the glossy shadowing. Some parts are auto-vectorized like the brim of the Wizard hat, and in others (the Witch hat and the Pimp Hat ) I just used certain parts of the auto-created vectors.
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Friday, April 23, 2010

LVPC Business Card

I've been mulling over this project for a while now and nothing has come to mind that really worked... and then this happened in a few hours.
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These are for a client. I really like the Viking Helm!
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Wednesday, April 21, 2010